Birmingham City Council Case Study

Birmingham City Council

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Zicam Electrical Group Ltd was selected to provide electrical services for Birmingham City Council.

This includes upgrading all lighting from halogen to LED.


The UK government has made a commitment to combating climate change and creating a greener future.

As part of this initiative, they have taken steps to phase out halogen lighting in favour of more energy-efficient alternatives. The main reason behind this decision is to promote sustainability and reduce carbon emissions. Halogen bulbs are known to be less energy-efficient compared to other lighting options such as LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs. By banning halogen lighting, the government aims to encourage the use of more environmentally friendly lighting sources, which not only help to lower energy consumption but also have a longer lifespan.


Contract Delivery:

Prior to commencing works on site our Project Management team conducted a needs assessment. This compiled of understanding the client’s specific requirements, site layout, potential risks, and any regulatory compliance that needs to be considered.

The electrical works are carried out according to the agreed-upon plan and specifications provided by the Council. Providing information for all details across all social housing sites, including Tower Blocks, Nursing homes and other commercial sized council owned properties. Zicam Electrical Group carry out  the installation, testing, commissioning, and any necessary inspections to ensure compliance with safety and quality standards.

The contract is regularly monitored for progress of the project, ensuring that it stays on schedule and within budget. Open communication is maintained with the council to address any issues or changes that may arise during the process.

Once the electrical works are completed for each site,  final inspection and testing is conducted to ensure everything is functioning correctly and meets the required standards. All necessary documentation, certifications, and warranties are handed over.

Post-project reviews are regularly completed to assess the performance and overall success of the project.



Upgrading to LED bulbs has offered Birmingham City Council several advantages for both the Council and tenants, which are detailed below:

Reduced Environmental Impact: LED bulbs have a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional bulbs due to their energy efficiency. By reducing electricity consumption, LED bulbs help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to environmental sustainability.

Energy Efficiency: LED bulbs are much more energy-efficient compared to halogen bulbs. LEDs can convert a higher percentage of electrical energy into light, while minimizing energy waste as heat. This means that they require less electricity to produce the same amount of light, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower carbon emissions.

Longer Lifespan: LED bulbs have a significantly longer lifespan compared to halogen bulbs. They can last up to 25 times longer, reducing the number of bulbs that need to be manufactured and disposed of. This reduces the overall environmental impact associated with the production, transportation, and disposal of lighting products.

Lower CO2 Emissions: Since LED bulbs consume less energy to produce the same amount of light, the switch to LED lighting can result in lower carbon dioxide emissions. This helps mitigate the contribution to global climate change and reduces the overall environmental footprint.

Reduced Waste: LED bulbs have a longer lifespan, which means they need to be replaced less frequently. This results in less waste generation and fewer discarded bulbs in landfills. Additionally, LED bulbs do not contain hazardous materials like mercury, which is commonly found in other types of lighting, making them safer for disposal.

Reduced Maintenance Expenses: The long lifespan of LED bulbs translates into reduced maintenance costs..

Lower Cooling Costs: LED bulbs produce significantly less heat compared to traditional bulbs, which emit a considerable amount of heat energy. This reduces the load on cooling systems, resulting in lower electricity bills for air conditioning, especially during hot summer months.


For further information see below:


Image of the Equans Certificate of Outstanding Practise awarded to Zicam.