We Supply & Install Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

Zicam supplies commercial electric vehicle charging stations and we are able to offer the full package. Working closely with our clients ensures that we exceed expectations and we are able to design, supply, install, and maintain EV charging points in most settings. Contact us today.

An electric vehicle being charged
Improve your green credentials with an EV charging station

Businesses across the UK are under increasing pressure to improve their energy efficiency, decarbonise their operations and fleet, and switch to renewable sources of energy for their power requirements.

The reason why is that in October 2021, the UK government released its net zero strategy which followed its ten point plan for a green industrial revolution released in November 2020. Featuring heavily in both was the commitment to climate change by transitioning to zero-emissions vehicles (largely electric vehicles) with a target of achieving 100% zero-emissions car and van sales by 2035.

One of the sticking points to this transition has been with infrastructure and the problem of making sure there are enough charging points across the nation to accommodate millions of electric vehicles that are about to take to our roads.
So what better way to get ahead of the game and meet your organisation’s own net-zero targets than starting with the installation of an electric vehicle (EV) charging station at your business premises? Here are some more reasons why you should.

Download our smart charging flyer here

View our electric vehicle brochure here


“Both the products and services Zicam supply, are leading edge, with a performance before price delivery.”

Tom Whawell
Site Compliance and Security Manager,
Eddie Stobart
An image of a range of EV charging options

4 reasons to install EV workplace charging

Future proof your business

Recent pressure on businesses to improve and report on their green credentials and carbon reduction schemes is only going to grow as we race towards climate change targets. By being proactive and installing EV charging stations now, your business is well prepared for the transition and stays ahead of the tide of demand. You’ll be one vital step ahead of tighter environmental targets.

Boost your brand reputation

Consumers are increasingly making purchasing decisions based on a company’s environmental and sustainability commitments.

By adding commercial EV charging station’s to your infrastructure, you’re clearly demonstrating your role as an environmental leader and, as a result, enhancing your brand reputation. Good for the planet, good for you.

Affordable, scalable, achievable

The remarkable thing about EV charging stations is that they’re easily scalable and relatively easy to install. When you work with experts in this field, it needn’t seem like an unachievable transition. There’s also cost savings to be had for both employers and employees with a reduction in vehicle tax (related to zero emissions), car maintenance, tailpipe emissions, congestion charges and fuel costs, and NI contributions.

Meet environmental demands

As with consumers, future employees are making decisions about who they want to work for based on their commitment to the environment, not just on salary. As young people come into the workforce, they will be looking at which companies are taking action to combat climate change. Current employees will benefit from a proactive, sustainable, positive working environment, and providing EV charging points is just one way to satisfy that requirement. And you get to clean up the environment.

Zicam experts offer an end-to-end EV solution tailored to your organisation

We are delighted that we can support your environmental aspirations with an EV solution that will perfectly meet your company’s requirements.

Here are the steps to a cleaner, more sustainable business.

  1. You book your free consultation
  2. Our engineer visits your site to complete a site survey
  3. You receive a quote
  4. Our engineer attends site to complete the installation
  5. You receive ongoing service and maintenance support

Book your free consultation here.

Contact us today for expert advice
