Business Security Systems For Public Transport Hubs

We provide highly tailored solutions that provide comprehensive security across premises in the public transport sector.
An image of a person holding a Zicam security system

We provide security systems that are designed to protect people, goods and assets in the public transport sector. These systems combine the latest technologies and solutions for intrusion detection, access control, surveillance and security monitoring. They provide comprehensive coverage of all areas inside and outside transportation hub areas.

Our goal is to create secure working environments that enable businesses to thrive while maintaining safety standards. Our systems are designed with flexibility in mind, allowing you to tailor them for your specific needs.

Furthermore, our experienced technicians can provide installation and ongoing maintenance assistance so that your security system functions reliably all year round.

Image of a CCTV security system.

Smart CCTV Systems For The Public Transport Sector

Public transport hubs form an integral part of our urban infrastructure. With hundreds of thousands of people using these facilities every day, maintaining the safety and security of these hubs is paramount. CCTV security systems play a crucial role in ensuring this by providing round-the-clock surveillance. These systems help in deterring crime, managing crowd, ensuring public compliance with rules, and providing real-time response in case of emergencies. 

Image of a wireless CCTV Camera security system.

At Zicam, our advanced CCTV security systems offer comprehensive coverage and high-resolution imagery, making it an invaluable tool for maintaining the security for public transport. Furthermore, our systems come equipped with smart analytics, enabling automatic detection of unusual activities and immediate alerting of security personnel. With Zicam Security, transport hubs can not only enhance their security infrastructure but also create a safer and more reliable environment for the public. 


Access Control For Public Transport Hubs

smart-access-control-in-a-post-pandemic-world-IMG_4996These areas are bustling with traffic that necessitates effective security measures. The key reason for access control systems in these areas is to ensure the safety of thousands of commuters who use the facilities daily. These systems can help regulate people’s entry and exit, thereby managing crowd control, preventing unauthorised entry into staff areas, and reducing the risk of crime. They can also aid in emergency evacuation procedures by providing clear, controlled exit paths. 

Whether it’s through the use of biometric scanners, advanced ticketing systems, or surveillance equipment, Zicam Security can offer a bespoke security solution that caters to the specific needs of your transport hub, guaranteeing safety and efficiency in daily operations.


Intruder Systems For Public Transport Hubs

Integrated Business Security Systems from Zicam Security

Security systems serve as an essential deterrent against unauthorised access, enhancing the overall security of the premises. Furthermore, they can provide crucial real-time information during an incident, enabling swift and appropriate responses. 

At Zicam Security, we understand the unique security demands of the public transport sector. Our state-of-the-art intruder alarm systems are designed with these challenges in mind, ensuring an optimal level of security. With features such as infrared sensors, high-resolution cameras, and advanced motion detection, our systems offer comprehensive coverage, leaving no blind spots. 


Life Safety Systems For Public Transport Hubs

An image of two Zicam staff membersLife Safety Systems are designed to protect the public when travelling. These systems provide critical safety measures that alert authorities in emergency situations, ensuring a swift response and protecting passengers from harm.

When designing life safety systems for public transport hubs, two main considerations should be taken into account: detection and notification. Detection systems detect any potential danger or hazardous events, while notification systems alert the relevant authorities about these dangers. 

Detection systems can come in various forms depending on what is needed for a particular hub. Motion sensors, smoke detectors, heat detectors, and CCTV cameras are all common types of detection devices used in life safety systems for public transport hubs. 


Perimeter Protection Support For Public Transport Hubs

perimeter-protection-4985As critical infrastructures that accommodate a high volume of people daily, it’s vital that transport hubs are protected from public safety threats and risks. This can be helped by implementing advanced perimeter protection systems, such as automatic traffic barriers, rising bollards, and pedestrian gates. These systems serve to regulate the flow of vehicles and pedestrians, preventing unauthorised access and mitigating the risk of accidents.

Automatic traffic barriers, for instance, control vehicle access effectively, ensuring only authorised vehicles can enter or exit the premises. Rising bollards, on the other hand, are unobtrusive yet provide a solid defence against vehicle-based attacks or accidental crashes. Pedestrian gates, meanwhile, control foot traffic, keeping passengers safe and secure.

By employing these systems, it can enhance their security measures, protect the safety of the public, and ensure smooth and orderly operations. Therefore, the investment in perimeter protection systems is not only a necessary precaution but also a critical step towards a safer and more efficient public transportation network.

person on phone while smiling

Contact Us For Business Security Systems For Public Transport Hubs

If you are looking for expert business security systems, do not hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact form or via phone at 0800 0854 711.

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