How To Prepare Your Staff for Security Alarms

30 Sep 2023
BY Zicam Integrated Security Ltd

In today’s business world, security is always a top priority. There is an ongoing need to ensure that your business premises are fully secure against the ever-increasing threats of break-ins, theft and other criminal activities.

Security alarms are one of the most popular methods of safeguarding your business premises. However, it is important to understand that the alarm is only the first line of defence. The response to the alarm is what really counts. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can prepare your staff to effectively respond to security alarms and improve the overall security of your premises.


Define Roles and Responsibilities

Before everything, it’s important to ensure your team understands the importance of security alarms. These systems are designed to alert staff to potential threats, including break-ins, fire incidents, or other emergencies. It’s vital to communicate that these systems are not just for show, but are serious tools for preserving safety, security, and operational continuity.

The first step in preparing your staff to respond to security alarms is to define roles and responsibilities. Each staff member should know exactly what their role is in the event of an alarm activation.

For example, if there is an alarm activation in the middle of the night, who is responsible for responding? Is it the security team, the management team or the designated staff? Clearly defining roles and responsibilities will help to ensure that everyone is aware of their duties, and they are better prepared to respond to the situation.


Familiarity with the Alarm System

Your staff needs to be familiar with the layout and functionality of the alarm system. This includes knowing the location of manual alarm triggers, understanding how to interpret different alarm signals, and being aware of the system’s reset procedures. It can be beneficial to have a technician from your alarm provider present during these training sessions to answer technical questions.

Staff should also receive comprehensive training on the company’s alarm monitoring systems. They should know how to read the display and understand what different alarm codes mean. Training should also cover basic troubleshooting skills to avoid common false alarms and other issues. Knowledge of the system will help staff better understand how the system operates and when and how to respond when the alarm is activated.


Creating a Response Plan

A detailed response plan should be created and distributed to all staff members. This document should outline the steps to be taken when an alarm is triggered, including emergency contact numbers, evacuation procedures, and post-incident responsibilities.

Ensuring your staff is prepared for dealing with security alarms can be the difference between a minor incident and a major catastrophe. With proper understanding, training, and a well-thought-out response plan, your team will be ready to handle any situation that may arise.


Conduct Regular Drills

Conducting regular drills is essential to build staff confidence and to refine response procedures. Regular fire drills are commonplace in most businesses, but the same approach should be taken with security. Practice makes perfect and running regular drills will help staff to become familiar with the procedures and follow the correct response protocols in the event of an alarm activation.

These drills should simulate different types of alarm situations so that employees can gain experience dealing with a variety of potential situations.


Encourage Reporting

Employees can provide critical information to law enforcement during emergency situations. Teach staff members how to observe and report any suspicious activity around your business premises. Encourage them to report all unusual occurrences or suspicious individuals immediately. This will help to create a safer environment and prompt an early response by the security team.


Limit Access to the Alarm

Finally, limit access to the alarm system. The alarm should be armed and disarmed only by approved, designated staff members who have undergone proper training on the system. The fewer people who have access to the alarm, the better the chances of avoiding false alarms and unauthorised access.


Contact Us

Here at Zicam, we are dedicated to supporting all of our customers to stay safe when it comes to their businesses. If you are looking for commercial alarm systems, do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form or by phone at 08000854711.

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