Places of Worship

Value: £25,000,000

Start Date: 2018
End Date: Ongoing



The UK Government has provided measures through the Places of Worship scheme in England and Wales. The scheme provide funding for places of worship and associated faith community centres that are vulnerable to hate crime. These schemes aim to reduce hate crime happening so that people can feel safe to attend worship and practise their religion freely. Zicam Systems Group have been supporting the project by installing intruder alarms, CCTV, perimeter security, Access Control and Fire Doors at locations across the UK. The UK Government sets the funding criteria is as follows: Sites that have experienced hate crime at their place of worship, or - Sites feel that their place of worship is vulnerable to hate crime; for example, if hate crime has happened at other places of worship or sites in the community, or if people attending the place of worship have experienced hate crime in the local area.


Prior to commencing works on site our Project Management team conducted a needs assessment.   This compiled of understanding the client's specific requirements, site layout, potential risks, and any regulatory compliance that needs to be considered. Zicam then designed a customised CCTV solution. This involved selecting the appropriate cameras, recording devices, monitoring software.  By tailoring the solution to the client's requirements, we ensured maximum coverage, optimal performance, and efficient use of resources. Correct installation and configuration were essential for the successful delivery of this contract. This involved positioning cameras strategically, running cables discreetly and ensuring seamless integration with existing infrastructure. Additionally, configuring settings such as motion detection, recording schedules, and remote access were completed with expertise to optimize system functionality. Before handing over the CCTV system to the client, thorough testing and commissioning was carried out. This included verifying camera coverage, testing video quality, ensuring seamless connectivity, and testing remote access and monitoring capabilities. By conducting comprehensive testing, Zicam  identified and rectified any issues before final delivery, ensuring a fully functional and reliable system. As part of the CCTV contract delivery, we provided comprehensive training to the client's staff on system operation and maintenance.  This includes Intruder Alarms, Access Control and Perimeter Fencing.  Providing detailed documentation, such as user manuals and troubleshooting guides.


The presence of visible CCTV cameras and intruder alarms can act as a deterrent for potential intruders or vandals. Knowing that they are being monitored and that an alarm will sound if they attempt to break in can discourage criminal activity. Our CCTV systems allow for real-time monitoring of the premises, helping to ensure the safety and security of the worshipers and the property. In case of any suspicious activity or emergencies, authorities can be alerted promptly. In the unfortunate event of a break-in, vandalism, or any unlawful activity, CCTV cameras can provide valuable evidence to aid law enforcement agencies in identifying and apprehending the culprits. Places of worship often host large gatherings or events. CCTV cameras can help monitor crowd movements and ensure the safety of attendees. They can also help in identifying any potential hazards or overcrowding situations.

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